ask Them
“Ask Us Anything”
“That’s what the sign read.
One afternoon, while working alongside the campus pastor at Capital University, a young student, who saw our sign, approached and stopped to ask me a gut-wrenching question.
It was actually a statement.
“I came out as trans. My father no longer loves me, and his church said I cannot return until I look like a girl.”
This event haunts me as a missed opportunity.
I suppose the following is a bit grand-scale, but I think we live out our falling, and in doing so, we believe we see the unseeable and know the unknowable. It’s not ours to see except through the lens of service and love. I wrote this for that student.
I didn’t know ‘her’ name, and I will not know her.
But I know Them.
seek Them and tell Them this:
You know the answer.
In the Beginning, God Whispered it InhalationEx of Life.
“You Were Made In Love. You(Will Always) Live in Love.”
Love Comes as natural to You as
M/y(our) Breathing
Yet They still reach(ed) into the tree of knowing
to know as God and to see a god as they
Began and begin to question
When deception temptsss
Alwayssss [never question] quesssstion
[Their(Y)(ou)r] Original Goodness]
is this it?
“you are craving for a bite of inssssight to your worth and creation will not crumble from satisfying your craven image
Then? so what!?
It’s A tiny cosssst for such great knowing
Knowing God will be jealoussss you Knothings like Him.
He’ssss(alone)gGod Lividying and tTrue.”
But you. You’re Owned by You!( your own idol)
“You, you. Take jussssst a bit(e) of freee(wissss)dom”
“You will not die.”
(but They will.)
WEve’Adamn choked on more than could ever possibly be swallowed
We cannot hold all that is inside outside above below then Extending forth from
But try. You’ll from forever[(span)ic) fa(i)ll
For it is not for your contain(meant)
and when clinging to our own idea(l)s of. Freedumb we find a Prison Sel(f)
And lose the TruthTaste in the fruit we craved
Blind eyes open but still closed and Blind
incapable of seeing ourselves and one another as God in (WhO)MANity’s form.
With tears in the e v e r o p e n
eYes, eYes
Watch us tear away.
THEN AS INFANTS, FALL from the shoulders of our [For(ever)[fall(One)]
[Father and Mother] cause children’s children’s children to turn tearing
The Them-beyond-the-I-away.
Rejecting. mocking and spitting upon the face of Their Goodness
Destroying a Body shared
Now hidden
behind the purple clothes and curtain of ssshame and ssstolen power.
Choosing what is not natural to our Being
“They are not natural. They musssst change.”
“now you ssssee. you are nothing”
deception’s Spe(ache) Will forge a hell
and Now remain a Ssseearrring pain and the inconvenient “(What IS?)Truth?”
[(Our)Thei[zi(r)] brand:
Still Yet we steal what is not ours to take
and Love’s response?
A wound.
L N (into a darkness)
sly uttering.
“It is Theirsss that They must carry! They sought to know. Now let them ssseek.
Itssss Theirs.”
Seek and They will find. Knock and Then Come Out-Inside
ask Them
“Ask Them Anything”
They can “speaKyrieleison”
of the deep pain felt inside “(Christe)eleison” (is love)
They can “speaKyrieleison” the Truth
The Love of the Broken heart’sbreakers hurts.
until deception is over and crumbles while Creation
We CanNot keep eYes open to blinding Truth
Yet The Master Who in washing feet is seen
ALL(al ONE e)
to our ”no”-cross nailed
Crushed by the NO of our Freedomine to see
But nogoing still our choice
(By our judgements (give Their) a sentence]
were-i(t)(s)- our choice and decision to eyesee ἐγώ εἰμι broken
i still exist while HE (I)s-”yes” eARTernal
Them evermore is TO BE .
“Eli! Eli!
Lama Sabachtani!?
why have[you forsake]n me?
And are (so/ (solo)[El(i)] / [never/ far from my cry]?
Like us. In pain and dying from the broken hearts of those and us who “ssssseeee”
“ So in shadow Assssssk us anything.”
(hturt era desrever ssseiL sssih)
WhatIsTruth cannot be hidden nor kept.
Hadesceptions undoing sceene
“ hisss Lies reversed are Truth.”
“Ask us anything.”
But You know the answer just like Them
“Love Them as I love you.”
now See
and Hear
and Speak
again the Whisper of Life aknew to
THEir broken heart will mEND.